Friday, May 15, 2020

Annotated Bibliography On Color Barcode - 1632 Words

II. LTERATURE REVIEW 1)Homayoun Bagherinia, Roberto Manduchi,had proposed the for University of California, Santa Cruz†A novel approach for color barcode decoding using smartphones† The use of colors increases the information storage capacities in barcodes. Increasing the number of color stolen code information makes the decoding a challenging task due to the dependency of the surface color on the illuminant spectrum, viewing parameters, printing device and material. The decoding becomes more challenging if a mobile phone as a decoding device is used due to the capture of image from different distances as well as angles. We present an iterative decoding algorithm that decodes the colors of all barcode patches across the barcode by†¦show more content†¦5) Amin Motahari , Member, IEEE, and Malek Adjouadi , Member, IEEE had Praposed the work for â€Å"Barcode Modulation Method for Data Transmission in Mobile Devices† In this study, a new approach for data modulation in 2-D barcodes is introduced, and its performance is evaluated in comparison to other standard method of barcode modulation. In this new approach, orthogonal frequency-division multiple xing (OFDM) modulation is used together with differential phase shift keying (DPSK) over adjacent frequency domain elements. A specific aim of this study is to establish a system that is proven tolerant to camera movements, picture blur, and light leakage within neighboring pixels of an LCD. III. THE PROPOSED PICODE SYSTEM In this section, the proposed PiCode system is described with an emphasis on the novel aspects of the image modulation and demodulation process. For the modulation part the details of the modulation scheme will be presented to illustrate how PiCode preserves the perceptual quality of the embedded image while minimizing the interference of the latter incurred on the modulation waveform. For the modulation part, the algorithms for performing discrete cosine transform, block division will be described. A. Image modulation The various steps in image modulation are †¢ Input image and message †¢ Convert RGB to YUV †¢ Block contrast †¢ Divided into inner and outer

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